We're excited to introduce Tom Robins , our new Area Manager at Phoenix Learning & Care Group!
With over a decade of experience in residential childcare, Tom brings both a wealth of knowledge and a deep commitment to supporting children and empowering teams. His journey, which started in 2007, has taken him through various roles—from Residential Support Worker to senior management—all driven by his passion for making a positive impact. Now, as he steps into his new role, Tom is ready to help guide our team as we expand into South Gloucestershire, building a community where both children and Team Members can flourish.
Read on to learn more about Tom’s journey, his personal interests, and his advice for anyone starting in this field. Welcome to the team, Tom!
I started working in residential childcare in 2007. It wasn’t something I ever thought about doing prior and didn’t know anything about it other than I had some friends who worked within the industry who convinced me to give it a go.
It was something I instantly enjoyed despite the various challenges, and I became passionate about wanting to help the children as best I could. I also really enjoy the comradery of working as a team in the homes and the job fulfilment you get from helping others.
I realised that one of the best ways I could help the children was to help the adults in the home and this is what inspired me to make a career of this as I figured the more I could impact the adults in the home to recognise the privilege this role affords us and the difference it can make to the children’s lives the more good I could do as an individual and this is why I began to seek roles with more responsibility.
I have worked as an Residential Support Worker, senior, deputy manager and have been registered with OFSTED as a manager since 2012. My latter management roles also included a significant amount of development work in all aspects of the industry.
At Phoenix I am an Area Manager and will apply to be the Responsible Individual for the South Gloucester homes as and when they open. This role will enable me to support the development of new managers as we open and establish homes for South Gloucester children within South Gloucester communities.
What excites me most about the role is helping others to develop and grow to become the Registered Managers they want to be, and the team in the home and especially the children need them to be.
I am also excited to help the Phoenix organisation expand its support network into a new region and the challenges this may bring along the way.
A fun fact about me that might surprise you is that I am currently 7.8 inches too short for my weight!
Outside of work my time is dominated by my 2 children and their various clubs and groups. Both are keen sports people, and I love watching them compete.
I was a very active sports person for many years and have recently returned to football and cricket after retiring form both in my early 30’s. I am a reasonable golfer playing off 8.3 a couple of years ago and I also love fishing. Basically, anything outdoors, active and with my family I enjoy doing.
If I could instantly become an expert in anything I think it would be general building as this would have saved me a fortune in terms of money as well as time over the past few years as we have been renovating our family home that we purchased in September 2019.
If I had to give one piece of advice to someone starting out in this industry today it would be to be authentic. Relationships are key to all we do and if yours aren’t authentic they will fail as the children will see right through you and anyone, they can’t trust they will challenge forever.
A piece of wisdom I live by or a motto that guides me – To try and always be open and honest with people and to never turn your back on the sea!